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Abies koreana 'Silberlocke'
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Abies koreana 'Silberlocke'

Abies are evergreen conifers, often very tall, with whorled branches bearing flattened, linear leaves, often whitish beneath, and on the upper branches, large cones which break up while attached to the tree.

'Silberlocke' is an evergreen conifer making a small tree of bushy habit. Leaves dark green, but curled upwards to show the silvery white undersides. Purple cones borne on young plants.

Common name: Korean fir 'Silberlocke'

Foliage: Dark Green and White.

Evergreen or decidious: Evergreen.

Did you know?
It's common name is Korean fir 'Silberlocke'
Abies are evergreen conifers, often very tall, with whorled branches bearing flattened, linear leaves, often whitish beneath, and on the upper branches, large cones which break up whilst attached to the tree.
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