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Whipsnade Zoo
Dunstable, Bedfordshire
United Kingdom

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Meerkats are related to moogoose and live in the Kalahari desert in Botswana and South Africa. They live in groups of about twenty called a mob, gang or clan. They hunt during the day and eat a wide variety of insects. They will also feed on lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, eggs and small mammals.

Meerkats have 2cm-long claws which they use for digging burrows where they live.

Meerkats are eaten by birds of prey and other carnivores. They live in a group for safety. There will always be one animal within the group who acts as a scout, scanning for predators while the other members forage. If a predator is spotted the scout gives a loud alarm call to warn the rest of the group.

Did you know?
Meerkats have 2cm-long claws which they use for digging burrows where they live.
Meerkats live in a group and there is always one acting as scout, scanning for predators while others forage.  If a predator is spotted the scout calls to warn the rest.
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