109 St. Paul Crescent, St. Catharines, ON, L2S 1M3, Canada
As the City of St. Catharines and BrockUniversity engage in the future building of two major cultural symbols – the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts and the Niagara Performing Arts Centre, Rodman Hall has an excellent opportunity to be part of...
0.5 miles
Art Gallery
354 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines, ON, L2R 3N2, Canada
NAC is striving to educate and contribute to a community that gets excited about art, that supports and recognizes local artists and cultural institutions, and that understands an investment in the arts is an act of enlightened self interest.
0.5 miles
Art Gallery
1932 Welland Canals Pkwy, St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7K6, Canada
The St. Catharines Museum library/archives comprises both reference and archival material of local historical significance with particular focus on St. Catharines and the four Welland Canals.
2.7 miles
1932 Welland Canals Parkway, St. Catharines, ON, Canada
Located at Lock 3 of the Welland Canal, the St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre welcomes you to explore the history of St. Catharines and the Welland Canals. Watch as ships work their way through the canal. Enjoy our amenities, including our gift shop and...
2.7 miles
2 Vine St., Thorold, ON, L2V 4V3, Canada
Documentation, photos, maps, artificats related to the history of Thorld/Beaverdams and the immediate area. The museum has a large collection of Thorold newspapers, as well as photos and various written records dating from late 19th-early 20th century.
3.3 miles
2710 DeCew Road, St. Catharines, ON, Canada
The Morningstar Mill Park, Interpretive Center, Museum site is made up of a number of buildings: the gristmill, (more familiarly known as Morningstar Mill) the turbine shed, the millers house, the icehouse, sawmill and the barn which houses the blacksmith shop and...
3.4 miles
Open Space
3802 Main St., Jordan, ON, Canada
Named for its proximity to the banks of the picturesque Twenty Mile Creek, the Jordan Historical Museum of Twenty you with an array of unique experiences. Join us for a guided tour of our past as we take you first of all into our exhibit gallery, the Heritage House....
6.1 miles
Historic House
4377 Fourth Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
The Niagara Scouting Museum contains a large display of badges, uniforms, and other items including items from the 8th World Jamboree 1955 held in nearby Niagara-on-the-Lake
9.1 miles
5161 Lundy's Lane , Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
The Battle Ground Hotel Museum sits on a part of the remaining untouched lands of the Lundy's Lane Battlefield. Visitors to the site are offered a guided tour of the period rooms where they will experience tavern life in 1850. Costumed staff are on hand to give...
9.1 miles
Historic House
8058 Oakwood Drive, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
The NCM, founded in 1997, was a community development project of the Niagara Falls Art Gallery's Education Department. After two years of experimental hands-on exhibitions, the Museum officially opened to the public on June 1, 1999
9.2 miles

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