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Snuff bottle
V & A
Snuff is powdered tobacco, usually blended with aromatic herbs or spices. The habit of snuff-taking spread to China...
Gazania 'Dorothy'
RHS Wisley
Gazania can be annuals or evergreen perennials, of spreading habit, with lobed lance-shaped leaves and showy...
Grevy's Zebra
Marwell Wildlife
Grevy’s Zebras do not have secure harems like the Chapman’s and Mountain Zebra. The basic social unit is a mare...
Public Gardens Torquay
Torre Abbey
Engraving of the Public Gardens in Torquay.
Aeroplane (3 of 3),...
This aircraft, a Vulcan, was built by Hawker Siddeley, entering service in 1963. Along with the Victor and the...
Lathyrus latifolius...
RHS Wisley
Lathyrus can be annuals or herbaceous or evergreen perennials, mostly climbing, with pinnate leaves ending in a...
Common Brown Lemur
Blair Drummond Safari...
Scientific name: Eulemur fulvus They normally live in groups of 5 to 12 including members of both sexes and...
A lady with a pink...
Torre Abbey
Miniature. Portrait of a lady in a pink feathered bonnet, in a gilt oval mount inset un the lid of a Georgian oval...
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There is no certainty that this thermometer has anything...
The dean motorcycle company was situated in Haymarket...
The images of the information on my ancestor's ships from...
What a lovely brooch.
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Abies koreana 'Silberlocke'
RHS Wisley
Abies are evergreen conifers, often very tall, with whorled branches bearing flattened, linear leaves, often whitish beneath, and on the upper branches, large cones...
Commuting by Cable
Old Treasury Building
Travel by cable tram through the streets of Melbourne between 1885 and 1940. This documentary presents rare archival footage detailing the story of the largest cable...
Horse Ramp (in canals)
London Canal Museum
The ramps in the canals were once used to save horses after they fell into the river. Animal safety was important, or at least it was important to retain the animals...
Canal Gate
London Canal Museum
These gates were put in place to stop the flow of the river. It was necessary to do this in the instance of bombs falling on the Canal and ceasing the flow of debris....
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