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Creston Museum
219 Devon Street
Creston, BC
V0B 1G3

T: 250 428-9262
W: Creston Museum web page

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objects in this place
A three-story house that used to be one story
Creston Museum
The ground floor of this house was built about 1912. At that time, it was a hip-roofed house - all four sides of the roof sloped upward to a central point. more
A building that has been added on to at least t...
Creston Museum
The original part of this building is the middle section, and was built in 1910. An identical section was added on to the west in 1912, and, in 1938, the large front section -... more
One of the best art-deco buildings in town
Creston Museum
Built in 1938, this building originally housed one of two movie theatres in town. The theatre stayed here until 1985, then the building became a bingo hall, and then a... more
The oldest, original, operating church in Creston
Creston Museum
Church services were being held in Creston by the late 1890s, nearly ten years before the first church buildings were built. This particular church was built in 1909. It was not... more
Two buildings that used to be one
Creston Museum
Both buildings once belonged to S.A. Speers. The one on the left (viewed from the street) was built below the tracks, then dragged up to the main street in 1920 and joined onto... more
A building built by Robert Sinclair Smith
Creston Museum
Robert Sinclair-Smith built this building in 1937, and it was occupied by Russ Joyce Men's Clothing from then until 1944. Many long-time residents will remember Perry's... more
The hall of one of the oldest fraternal organis...
Creston Museum
This organisation was established in Creston by 1909, right at the time that Creston was experiencing a building and population boom, driven by the local tree fruit industry.... more
A monument that is found in every community, bu...
Creston Museum
This structure was unveiled in 1922, replacing an earlier wooden monument that had been erected in 1916 - and then added to as required. The stone monument originally stood at... more
A building that has shrunk by ten feet
Creston Museum
Erected in 1911, this was the first building in Creston purposely-built for a bank - the Canadian Bank of Commerce. After the bank moved into its new building farther up Canyon... more
A building that used to be a church
Creston Museum
The first Holy Cross Church was built in 1907, on the corner of 10th Avenue North and Hillside Street. By 1937, the congregation had outgrown the building, and the second Holy... more
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