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London Canal Museum
12-13 New Wharf Road King's Cross
London N1 9RT
United Kingdom
London N1 9RT
United Kingdom
T: 020 7713 0836
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Horse Ramp (in canals)
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
The ramps in the canals were once used to save horses after they fell into the river. Animal safety was important, or at least it was important to retain the animals that pulled...
Canal Gate
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
These gates were put in place to stop the flow of the river. It was necessary to do this in the instance of bombs falling on the Canal and ceasing the flow of debris. There are...
Regent's Canal Old Wall
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
This original wall, which was built when the canal was built, is one of the few areas where the original wall is still standing. In many other areas, the wall has been...
Canal Pulley
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
This was used in old warehouses on the canal for moving cargo from the narrowboats. It was an efficient system to move the ice and other materials that were transported into a...
St. Pancras Lock
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
The St. Pancras lock is located on the Regent's Canal and is one stop for narrowboats along the canal. It has a drop of 8 feet and is situated next to the Camsley Street Natural...
Gauging Rod
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
This gauging rod was used to measure how low the boat sat in the water. The heavier the boat was, the lower it sat. The tollman was then able to take the measurements from the...
Guard Iron with rope marks
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
This guard iron protected the stonework on a bridge near Camden street bridge. These metal rollers would be on the corners of bridges to protect the stonework of the bridge...
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
Notice the cast-iron frame in the floor at the museum's entrance. This marks the site of the weighbridge that was used to measure the weight of loads brought in and out of the...
Guard Stones
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
The protective stones at the entrance of the building are called guard stones. They were designed to protect the building's brickwork from the wheels of carts coming in and out...
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
The bonnet was the key feature of a boatwoman's costume. The 19th century saw the end of the mob caps and straw hats as fashionable headgear, and the stiffened brim and frilled...

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