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London Canal Museum
12-13 New Wharf Road King's Cross
London N1 9RT
United Kingdom
London N1 9RT
United Kingdom
T: 020 7713 0836
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Model of Ice Cart and Horse
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
This 1890s cart model is painted yellow and black with gold lettering on side, reading: "Carlo Gatti and Stevenson Limited Ice Merchants. Head office 26 Villers Road, Charing...
Penny Licks
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
Licking Glasses or "Penny Licks," thus named because vendors sold them for a penny, were small servings of ice cream that became popular in the mid 19th and early 20th century....

Ice Well
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
This ice well, one of two in this warehouse, was built in around 1863 to store imported ice from Norway. However, by 1904, technological developments and the decline of the...

Ice Dogs
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
The crane-operated ice dogs were used for hoisting blocks of ice. At the end of a chain, the ice was griped by the points,and as the chain took the weight the points pressed...
Ice Cream Tricycle
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
This ice cream tricycle was made by John Warrick and Sons in Reading, Berkshire, and dates from the 1920s. The ice cream was held in the steel tube carrier, which was mounted...

London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
Notice the cast-iron frame in the floor at the museum's entrance. This marks the site of the weighbridge that was used to measure the weight of loads brought in and out of the...
Foundation Stone
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
This foundation stone from Carlo Gatti's Ice House was laid in December 1872 at 455 Caledonian Road London N7. Carlo Gatti was a Swiss-Italian entrepreneur who established...

The Book of Ices
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
Agnes Bertha Marshall created this cookery book in 1885, writing recipes for ice cream and other frozen desserts. Mrs. Marshall was dubbed "the Queen of Ices." A.B. Marshall...
Ice Block Moulds
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
These steel moulds were used for making ice by artificial means. They were discovered in the abandoned ice wells under the museum. The moulds probably came from United Carlo...
Antique Ice Cream Makers
London Canal Museum
London Canal Museum
Look at the forefront of the glass case with the Victorian ice cream makers. The 'White Mountain' Triple Motion Freezer advert lists the most popular ice cream maker of the...

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