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Place: London Canal Museum (View all)
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London Canal Museum
12-13 New Wharf Road King's Cross
London N1 9RT
United Kingdom

objects in this place
Farrier's box
London Canal Museum
This farrier's box has three compartments with a steel carrying handle. Farriers have historically cared for a horse's hooves. The farrier also applies horseshoes. He or she... more
London Canal Museum
Blinders were used to prevent the horse from distractions by limiting its field of vision. Blinders help keep the horse from being distracted or frightened, especially in... more
Anvil and Block
London Canal Museum
This iron anvil on a wooden block was used by a blacksmith to forge metals. On the flat part or "face" of the anvil, there are two holes. The larger one is the "hardy hole,"... more
Portable forge pump
London Canal Museum
This portable forge pump is made of brass and steel. By pulling the handle, water is sucked into the smaller brass tube, and then by pushing down handle the water is forced into... more
Curry Comb
London Canal Museum
This curry comb has a wooden handle with three rows of iron teeth. The metal teeth of this comb would have made it too harsh to use on a horse's coat, and would have instead... more
London Canal Museum
The breeching is the part of the horse's harness that goes around the horse's hindquarters and underneath its tail. This breeching has two sets of chains. One end of the strap... more
Horse Blanket
London Canal Museum
This large piece of leather with 2 holes deliberately cut into the swath possibly to serve as eyeholes. This blanket was possibly used to put over horses head. Blankets were... more
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