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Block mould for Wedgwood medallion
Block mould for Wedgwood medallion can be found here:


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Wrexham County Borough Museum
Regent Street
Wrexham LL11 1RB
United Kingdom

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Block mould for Wedgwood medallion

Josiah Wedgwood was inspired to make jasperware portrait medallions by the jewellery and sculpture of ancient Rome. Anything connected to the ancient civilizations of Italy and Greece was popular in the 18th century.

Jasperware is fine-grained, unglazed white stoneware. Wedgwood normally stained the clay pale blue, but you can find dark blue, lilac, sage green, black and yellow medallions.

The medallions are cameos where the portrait is in relief (stands proud of the surface). In contrast, intaglios have the portrait cut into the surface. Excavations at Roman bathhouses have revealed many intaglio gems. It was (and still is) easy to lose your jewellery while bathing.

Did you know?
Portrait medallions were incredibly popular in the late 18th century. Wealthy people collected medallions of classical heroes and contemporary celebrities. It was also the fashion to commission a medallion of a loved one.
This is the mould for a portrait medallion of Captain Hamilton, Sir Watkin\
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