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Henrietta the Horse
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London Canal Museum
12-13 New Wharf Road King's Cross
London N1 9RT
United Kingdom

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Henrietta the Horse

Horses were the essential to transport during the Industrial Revolution. Horses were harnessed to tow boats with rope and pulled cargo along the tow path, which ran parallel to the canal. A horse could pull up to fifty times more cargo in a boat than in a wagon on roads. These 'horseboats' were used well into the 1960s in the UK. Our horse, however, is an ice cart horse. Canal horses were never stabled in this building.
Did you know?
Check out our slideshow of archive photos of horses working along the canals.

Stables were set up along the canals, to allow horses a place to rest for the night. Horses were so important that these stables became as commonplace as pubs and warehouses along the canal!

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Horse-drawn boats were the most efficient form of transport during the Industrial Revolution, pulling boats and cargo along the canal.
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Where is it located?
Horse Power, First Floor, London Canal Museum
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