Hundreds of cultural organisations join every month...
Use OOKL to promote your place on the web and engage visitors onsite with mobile apps
Promote your place
Register your place on the website and publish information about points of interest on site, events, games and interactive trails. You can also aggregate your social media (Facebook, Twitter and Flickr) onto your page.
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mobile apps
The OOKL Love Culture app platform makes it easy for you to provide visitors with an extra layer of interpretation and fun. The LITE version is free and enables you to publish a subset of your objects, events, trails and games to the app. The LOADED version delivers it all.
Find out more about mobile apps for museums, galleries, zoos, gardens and more... |
Learning platform
Is your place ready for a Facebook Generation? OOKL can provide you with a fully-integrated mobile and web learning platform that has been shown to improve learning outcomes and satisfaction.
Find out more about the mobile learning platform |
Join OOKL - it's free
Places can join OOKL and publish content to the website for FREE (all we ask is that you add a link to OOKL on your website) and the mobile apps are subscription based but represent very good value compared to designing and building your own.
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See treasures from the last 350 years like the Life Mask taken from Nelsons face in 1800, the first Victoria Cross ever awarded...

Get up close to some of the biggest, rarest and most majestic animals alive - including elephants, tigers, lions, rhinos and...

Beginning in 1951, noted actor and collector, Vincent Price, donated art objects from his personal collection to ELAC,...

This spectacular country estate overlooking the River Thames, open daily for most of the year, was once the glittering hub of...

Visit the world’s best preserved meteorite impact site just minutes from Interstate 40 in Northern Arizona near Winslow....

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